The half-way point of our school year is upon us. It's time to pause - just momentarily - to assure we're on track to accomplish the things that need to be done, and it's time to look forward and begin the work of, well, beginning again. And so it goes. Life in a school-year rhythm is both comforting and unforgiving in its pace.
Three weeks ago, you received materials in your Home Folder to begin registration for the 2017-18 school year. In the world of family life, I'm sure this may seem low-priority. I can imagine it could easily be placed on that ever-growing stack of things to look at "when I have time." This year, however, we will not have the flexibility to accept registrations on a rolling basis, as we have in the past. Please take some time in these last couple of weeks before the March 1st deadline to begin some family conversations about your educational plans for next school year. If St. Robert is the right fit, remember to get your registration in soon!
Enrollment is now open to new families and we're excited about the early interest we've had from potential 4K families and families relocating from out of state. Thanks to everyone who participated in our Open House on Sunday to help generate that enthusiasm. Whether you worked at the Pancake Breakfast or Book Fair or simply brought your well-mannered neatly-dressed children to interact with our visitors, you have helped us to paint a picture of the possibilities that lie in wait at St. Robert School.
Early commitments will help us make strategic and responsible decisions to keep our school sustainable. Let's work together to keep this train moving in the right direction!