Thursday, May 30, 2019

Until we meet again

The nature of the school year almost invariably brings personnel changes in the spring and summer months. Despite that dozens of staff have come and gone during my tenure at St. Robert (38 by my count!), we have been curiously blessed for many years with very small turnover in any one given year.  This year will be different, however, as multiple personal, family, and professional factors have coincided to create a larger than usual number of changes at one time.  

And so, it is with bittersweet emotion that we will say farewell to these beloved members of our staff at the close of this school year:

  • Kristen Byers, 4K, 2 years
  • Jennifer Luna, 2nd grade, 22 years
  • Jan Ebel, 3rd grade, 4 years
  • Ann Schroeder, 5th grade, 3 years
  • Andrew Brehm, 7th/8th grade ELA and Religion, 4 years
  • Meg Kinateder, Middle School Math, 2 years
  • Alexandra Hoslet, Administrative Assistant, 1 year

Each of our departing colleagues has left his or her unique mark on our culture; and each leaves big shoes to fill as they move on to pursue a variety of next steps both within and outside of the profession.  

We are blessed that our paths converged in this time and place for a little while - or a long while - to do God's work; and blessed that our individual pathways will diverge under the guidance of God's loving hand.  

Please join me in extending profound appreciation to Kristen, Jennifer, Jan, Ann, Andy, Meg, and Zan for their immeasurable gifts to the service of our children and the mission of Catholic education.  If you are able, you are invited to join us at Mass this Friday where we will acknowledge their service and wish them well in their next endeavors. 

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back. 
May the sun shine warm upon your face; 
the rains fall soft upon your fields 
and until we meet again, 
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

(traditional Gaelic blessing)