As our students pack up the artifacts of their school year and head out to celebrate a year of growth and accomplishments, this last "last day" that I will shepherd my students and staff into summer, marks, for me, the official end of my career. I watch it all wistfully and am overwhelmed with a flood of emotions that presently eludes words (although I'm sure "the way to say what I would like to say will occur to me after I'm gone!").
You have honored me and gifted me in so many remarkable ways, but the it's the grace and blessings I have received from my everyday work and encounters that have gradually transformed me and left an indelible mark on my soul. I am so humbly grateful for the privilege to have walked beside you on this incredible journey.
THANK YOU for final school days filled with love and recognition and so many happy moments:
- For a princess day complete with tiara that began with breakfast made by my colleagues and was followed by dozens of surprise PA messages from students
- For a beautiful platter signed by the eighth graders recalling my daily adage to "Work hard, be good to each other, and make it a great day!"
- For a seventh grade book of specially chosen inspirational quotes concluding with a dictionary definition for "Mrs. Beckmann"
- For a framed collage of sixth grade adventures with my "big head"
- For high-heel vases ceremoniously filled with fifth grade origami tulips--and a matching handbag filled with their love notes
- For a voluminous basket of gardening items hand-selected by the fourth graders and accompanied by a magnificent flat of red geraniums
- For an earthy wooden prayer bowl filled with heartfelt third grade wishes and prayers
- For a handmade quilt proudly signed by all the second graders
- For a sturdy apron marked with the names and handprints of every first grader
- For a watercolor painting of our beloved church and a celebratory dinner from the kindergarteners
- For a pre-kinder serenade of my routine maxims set to music
- For the creative vision and commitment of the mighty planning team of Lisa Sweeney, Maggie Zincke and Kristi Felber and their months of labor in bringing this special event to life
- For cloth tablecloths and real glassware; for stunning floral centerpieces and orange balloons
- For an alumni musician and alumni bartenders
- For so many guests and so much love extended to both my husband and me
- For deeply moving words of honor and recognition from John Dunn, Father Enrique, Kathryn DeLapp, and Laura McGartland
- For my own framed Bobcat jersey and a stunning gold cross marked with 16 diamonds
- For generous gifts to our beloved school in my honor
- For enough cards and mementos to make these magical moments tangible and to carry me lovingly into an unknown future
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