Thursday, September 1, 2016

Full of possibilty

Our sweet summer respite has disappeared in a poof!  But we shouldn't lament, for going to school is possibly the singular life experience that is gifted with an annually scheduled opportunity to clear out, clean out, refresh, and transform.  It's a blessing that facilitates human growth and a renewed spirit.

Because family life revolves around this same calendar, it, too, is presented with an annual opportunity for intentional growth and development.  I encourage you to take advantage of this fresh start to reevaluate the rhythms and routines of your daily life and to implement some intentional changes that will help move your family forward in supporting the next horizon of development for each of your children.  In the spirit of stimulating family conversation on just what aspects might be due for renewal, consider these:
  • Sleep - see guidelines HERE
  • Media consumption - see the AAP guidelines HERE
  • Activities - consider that children need time for unscheduled, child-directed play
  • Faith - a healthy family needs a source of inspiration
Here's wishing you the deep satisfaction of a fresh start and a year full of possibility!